Raymo USA does business with various entities across the USA. It is important that our staff receives all the necessary information to setup a new customer account. You may apply for Net Terms by submitting a W-9 and Trade References Below.
Please have these forms available PRIOR to completing this application. You will need to upload the completed forms below.
FOR Credit Card Term Accounts: You may fill out the application below without trade-references.
DEALERS & CUSTOMERS WITH RESELLER IDs: Please have your Reseller Number handy with a copy of your Reseller Certificate. This will be required below.
Are Your Seeking Net Terms?*
Thank you for your cooperation. Any information provided will help streamline cross-company communication.
We look forward to working with you.
If you have ANY questions, please contact us directly at: 708-354-2171
a Subsidiary of Green Climber of North America Inc.
For Any Accounting Questions, please email: Accounting@GreenClimberNA.com